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Onochie attacks Dele Momodu for dubbing Buhari a failure

onochie lauretta

Aide to President Muhammadu Buhari, Lauretta Onochie, has attacked Dele Momodu for describing her principal as a failure.

Momodu, in a post on his Twitter handle -@DeleMomodu- on Friday, had said, “I did not bring Buhari. I did what most reasonable Democrats would have done in the circumstance of PDP’s failure after 16 years in power by trying the next most electable candidate and when he failed tried the next…”

Onochie, uncomfortable with the comment replied on her Twitter handle -@Laurester:

“‘Failed’ because he (Buhari) won’t dish out cash for photos that can easily be obtained on Instagram and other picture apps.”

She added, “Because #BabaNoDeyDrop, your ego-massaging, ostentatious and filthy-wealth-flaunting customers, can no longer afford you (Momodu). Try Diversification!”

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